Friday 4 August 2006

He's certainly afraid of the dark

I've been a little bit obsessed with parenting books lately and somehow, I realized that one of these days I would have to face the dreaded bit of parent-child conversation: sex education.
This afternoon, situation called for me to slowly introduce the topic. I was resting in bed while little Lewis was having a nap in his cot. Zak then took the opportunity to have a chat with me. He obviously noticed my flabby postpartum belly and attempted to shove the bits back in the hope that his little hands could do a wondrous miracle of flattening my stomach. Anyway, I explained to him that when he was a baby, he lived inside my belly and came out through a hole (naturally, the hole was my belly button).
Him: Was it dark in there, mummy?
Me: Yeah.
Him: Did I bring a torch?


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