Sunday 6 November 2005

When Firefighters start the fire

Last night, we took Z to bonfire and fireworks night. We told him he might see Fireman Sam and the fire engines. Unfortunately, the firefighters wore this neon jackets and Z didn't recognize them. He was also disappointed that there were no fire engines that night.

It was my first time to join the event as well. The council organised it so I thought it must be something exciting, nevermind the historical significance of it all.

So there we were. Everybody gathered around this huge pile of wood. Two firefighters ignited the heap and everybody became excited. I supposed that more than 90% of the attendees had not seen fire in their lives. After an hour and exaggeratingly expensive jacket potato and alarmingly dizzying rides, everybody oohhhd and ahhhd at the fireworks display.

So Guy Fawkes night ended with a bang, and a big hole in our pockets.


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